27.11.2014 - 27.11.2014
EU BON Second Stakeholder Roundtable on Citizen Science
The next EU BON Roundtable will be held on the 27th November, at the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin.
The aim of the Roundtable on Citizen Science is to explore how and with which means EU BON can support citizen science activities. EU BON may serve citizen scientists in many aspects, and here the citizen science community and biodiversity data community is given a forum to exchange ideas and develop perspectives. So this roundtable brings together data provider as well as the user community and opens the discussion on the future of workflows. We will have an introductory talk of Jose-Miguel Rubio-Iglesias from the European Commission on the role of Citizen Science as one option to improve the science-society bridge, and further contributions from data providers, portal developers, and innovative thinkers.
See the final agenda below and more information in the attached pfd-Document.
Dr. Katrin Vohland ( )
Dr. Florian Wetzel (


Contact information:
flag big This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 308454.