BioVel is organizing a one-day workshop "BioVeL: In Practice and in Future". The event will take place on 13 Nov 2014 in Institut Océanographique, Paris, France. It aims at sharing BioVel experience obtained during the project's efforts to build a virtual laboratory for biodiversity research. Plans for the future of BioVel will be also presented.

BioVeL partners are pleased to invite you to "BioVeL in Practice and in Future"
November 13, 2014, 9:00-4:30 Institut Océanographique, 195 rue Saint Jacques, Paris 5e
This one-day event aims at sharing with participants what we did and what we’ve learned during our efforts to build a virtual laboratory for biodiversity research. We will also present our plans for the future and invite the audience to take a role in it.
BioVeL is a pilot implementation of some of the core ideas from the LifeWatch Preparatory Phase. In the past three years we’ve worked with the biodiversity research community to construct, test, and revise some essential elements of a robust e-infrastructure for biodiversity and ecosystem research. At the meeting we want to present the results we have produced and the experience we’ve gained, as well as discussing the coming tasks for our community.
The event will be structured around the 3 key goals that encapsulate the BIH2013 initiative.
Integration: Making better use of existing data and tools.
Cooperation: Working together towards a holistic understanding of biodiversity
and ecosystems.
Promotion: Informatics leadership to serve the needs of science and society.
Detailed programme here Registration required here
Follow us on Twitter: @bioveleu For more information, write
